Natalia is getting ready to cut a log up into smaller pieces. The log is in the shape of a right circular cylinder. The length of the log is 20 feet, and the radius is 1.5 feet. Solve for the surface area. Use 3.14 for π.(1 point)


The formula for the surface area of a right circular cylinder is A = 2πr^2 + 2πrh, where r is the radius and h is the height.

Given that the radius is 1.5 feet and the length (height) is 20 feet, we can plug these values into the formula to solve for the surface area:

A = 2(3.14)(1.5)^2 + 2(3.14)(1.5)(20)
A = 2(3.14)(2.25) + 2(3.14)(30)
A = 6.28(2.25) + 6.28(30)
A = 14.13 + 188.4
A = 202.53

Therefore, the surface area of the log is 202.53 square feet.