Northern Canada is less populated than southern Canada because

it has a harsher climate.

it lacks natural resources.

it lacks inland waterways.

it has a mountainous terrain.


A. it has a harsher climate. Northern Canada experiences long, cold winters and shorter summers, which makes it less hospitable for habitation compared to the milder climate found in southern Canada. This harsh climate can make it more challenging for people to live and thrive in the northern regions.

Which of the following statements about environmental issues in Canada is correct?

The mining industry has little effect on deforestation in Canada.

Canadian timber is often harvested faster than replacement trees can grow.

Canada will always have plenty of timber because it is a renewable resource.

The boreal forest of Canada is large enough that clear-cutting will have little effect on wildlife.

B. Canadian timber is often harvested faster than replacement trees can grow. This statement is correct, as Canada faces issues with unsustainable logging practices leading to deforestation and depletion of forests at a faster rate than they can regenerate.

In a democracy, from where does the power to govern derive?

hereditary rights

ownership of the land

the claim to divine right

the people being governed

D. the people being governed

In a democracy, the power to govern derives from the consent and authority of the people who are being governed. This principle is known as popular sovereignty, where the government is elected or chosen by the people to represent and serve their interests.

What is one key difference between democratic and autocratic governments?

In democratic governments, citizens may only vote for leaders. In autocratic governments, citizens are also able to vote on laws.

In democratic governments, citizens may only vote on laws. In autocratic governments, citizens are also able to vote for leaders.

In democratic governments, political power rests with the citizens. In autocratic governments, all political power is held by a single leader.

In democratic governments, all political power is held by a single leader. In autocratic governments, political power rests with the citizens.

C. In democratic governments, political power rests with the citizens. In autocratic governments, all political power is held by a single leader.

This statement highlights a key difference between democratic and autocratic governments. In a democratic system, the power to govern ultimately lies with the citizens through elected representatives and the ability to participate in decision-making processes. In contrast, in an autocratic system, all political power is concentrated in the hands of a single leader or a small group without the extensive participation of the citizens.

Which answer choice MOST LIKELY describes the head of a democratic government?

a member of a royal family

an appointed military official

a representative elected by the public

a person chosen by religious leaders

C. a representative elected by the public

In a democratic government, the head of government is typically a representative who is elected by the public through a free and fair electoral process. This individual is chosen by the citizens to serve as their leader and to represent their interests in decision-making and governance.