Exposition: (the beginning of the story; the events that explain background information for the plot)

Once upon a time, in a small village nestled in the countryside, there lived a young girl named Lily. She lived with her grandmother in a cozy cottage at the edge of the woods. Lily's parents had passed away when she was just a baby, so her grandmother had raised her and cared for her ever since.

Lily was a kind and gentle soul, always eager to help those in need. She spent her days exploring the forest, picking wildflowers, and helping her grandmother tend to their small garden. Despite the hardships they faced, Lily and her grandmother were content and happy in their simple life.

However, rumors began to spread through the village of a dark shadow lurking in the woods. People reported strange noises and sightings of mysterious creatures, causing fear and unrest among the villagers. Lily's grandmother warned her to stay away from the woods, fearing for her safety.

But Lily couldn't resist the call of the forest and the mystery that lay within. Little did she know, her curiosity would soon lead her on a journey that would change her life forever.


In a small village, young girl Lily lived with her grandmother. Rumors of a dark shadow in the woods spread fear among the villagers, but Lily's curiosity led her to explore the forest despite warnings.