One similarity between digestive system and circulatory system,

One similarity between digestive system nervous system,

One similarity between digestive system and excretory system,

One similarity between digestive system and reproductive system.

One similarity between digestive system and circulatory system is that both systems transport substances throughout the body. The circulatory system transports nutrients and oxygen from the digestive system to cells, while removing waste products for excretion.

One similarity between digestive system and nervous system is that both systems work together to coordinate and control the body's functions. The nervous system sends signals to the digestive system to regulate the release of digestive enzymes and hormones.

One similarity between digestive system and excretory system is that both systems are involved in the removal of waste products from the body. The digestive system eliminates solid waste through the excretory system in the form of feces, while the excretory system filters and removes waste products from the blood.

One similarity between digestive system and reproductive system is that both systems require hormones for proper function. The digestive system releases hormones such as gastrin and secretin to regulate digestion, while the reproductive system relies on hormones like estrogen and testosterone for the regulation of reproductive functions.