Different parts of the plant do different jobs. Read the job descriptions listed below and match the right plant structure to do the job.

Subway Train Driver

Individuals needed to transport a variety of passengers all throughout the subway system. Must be able to move things efficiently and to various locations. Hiring two individuals. One to travel in one direction, and one to travel in both directions.

Door Attendant

Full-time position available for an individual to monitor the exterior entrance to a building. Responsibilities include opening and closing the door for various individuals and exchanges. Must be open to encountering lots of traffic in and out.

Egg Farmer

Looking for a female to manage egg production at a local farm. Previous farming experience is preferred. Must be able to oversee manufacturing and protection of eggs until eggs are needed.

Body Guard

This position offers full coverage benefits. Must be willing to protect against all potential threats.


Individual needed who can convert carbon dioxide into glucose. Must be able to wear green uniform and work in the sun for extended periods of time.

Production Assistant

Part-time position available for a male who can oversee the production of a valuable product. This product goes on to create more products. Work is seasonal. Only necessary in the spring

Support Team Member

Full-time position available for an individual who can support the entire organization. Must be able to surround the team with support and structure. All members must be able to rely on this individual.


Individual needed who can send out information for the company. Information includes things such as movement instructions, mass communication, and growth instructions.

Business Partner

Position will begin as an intern where the individual will be transformed into the perfect business partner. As a business partner, the individual will go out and make a connection to create a new business.


Word bank: Stamen, Hormones, Xylem/Phloem, Epidermis, Pollen, Stomata/Guard Cells, Pistil, Chloroplast, Cell Wall

Body Guard: Epidermis

Production Assistant: Pollen
Support Team Member: Cell Wall
Dispatcher: Xylem/Phloem
Business Partner: Pistil
Egg Farmer: Chloroplast
Door Attendant: Stomata/Guard Cells
Chemist: Hormones
Subway Train Driver: Stamen