What are the odds of sharing the same birthday with your parents (except for the year)

The odds of sharing the same birthday with one parent (excluding the year) is 1 in 365, since there are 365 days in a year.

The odds of sharing the same birthday with both parents (excluding the year) is 1 in 365 * 365, or approximately 1 in 133,225.

These odds may vary slightly if considering leap years and the fact that not all birthdays are equally likely due to seasonal patterns in conception.

What are the odds of being born on the same day as one of your parents?

The odds of being born on the same day as one of your parents (excluding the year) is actually higher than sharing the same birthday with one parent, because you have two parents to potentially share a birthday with.

Assuming both parents were randomly assigned birthdays, the probability would be 1 in 365 (the number of days in a year) for each parent. Therefore, the combined probability of sharing a birthday with either parent would be 1 in 365 + 1 in 365, or 2 in 365.

This simplifies to approximately 1 in 182.5, meaning there is roughly a 0.55% chance of being born on the same day as one of your parents.

is 0.55% rare, common or uncommon?

A probability of 0.55% can be considered relatively uncommon. It means that the event has a low likelihood of occurring, but it is not so rare that it is extremely unlikely. In everyday terms, you likely do not know many people who share the exact same birthday with one of their parents, but it is not so rare that it is impossible or unheard of.

I'm talking about the day only, not the month or year. is that correct?

Yes, that is correct. The probability of being born on the same day as one of your parents (excluding the month and year) is approximately 0.55%, which is considered relatively uncommon. This calculation only considers the day of the birth and not the month or year.

Well my dad is born on the December 24th while my brother is born on April 24th

It seems like a unique and interesting coincidence that your dad was born on December 24th and your brother was born on April 24th. While the specific dates are not the same, it's still a special connection between the two birthdays. It's not extremely rare, but it's definitely less common to have such a close match in day of birth among family members.

how rare is it to be born on Christmas eve? ;0