Eagerness and anticipation increased through my veins as I stood on the edge of the time portal. I was going to travel back in time to a prehistoric past, and I couldn't believe it. I got excited at the idea of seeing dinosaurs roaming the planet. I inhaled deeply, moved forward, and felt the energy of the portal move over me, carrying me to a world long before my own.
As I emerged from the portal, I was greeted by a sight unlike anything I had ever seen. The land stretched out before me in vast, lush greenery, dotted with towering ferns and ancient trees. The air was thick with the sounds of creatures both familiar and unknown. I was overwhelmed by the sense of being a mere speck in a world that existed long before humanity.
I finally succeeded in making a weak connection with the prehistoric humans. They showed me around their clan, and they showed me careful hospitality. I spent hours observing and conversing with them to understand their way of life, as well as their hardships and gains in a dangerous and uncertain world.

When I went into the forest one day with other hunters, we came across a gigantic animal that was unlike anything I had ever seen. With its scales glistening in the sunlight, it was a massive, gorgeous dinosaur. I felt both terror and awe as the hunters were set to take it down. It was then that I became aware of the prehistoric world's precarious balance between life and death, where every living thing struggled to survive.
In the end, I said goodbye to the prehistoric humans, filled with deep appreciation for having the chance to see their world. I knew that the experiences and knowledge I had gained from my adventure would stick with me forever as I stepped back through the time portal. I had a fresh perspective on the richness and beauty of life, both in the past and the present, as I made my way back to my own time.

As I emerged back into the present day, I felt a sense of loss for the prehistoric world I had just left behind. The familiar sounds of cars honking and people talking seemed dull in comparison to the cacophony of wildlife that had surrounded me in the past. I longed for the simplicity and raw beauty of the prehistoric era, where survival was the only thing that mattered.

I tried to recount my experiences to my friends and family, but words fell short in capturing the grandeur and wonder of what I had witnessed. The look of disbelief on their faces only served to deepen my yearning to go back and explore that world once more. I realized that my journey had changed me in ways I could not fully understand yet.

As night fell, I found myself standing by the time portal once more, my heart aching for the prehistoric world. I hesitated for a moment, unsure if I should take the risk of traveling back in time again. But the pull of the unknown was too strong to resist, and with a deep breath, I stepped forward into the portal once more, ready to embrace whatever adventures lay ahead.