Rise of parliament in England quiz

1. When did the rise of parliament in England begin?

a) 12th century
b) 14th century
c) 16th century
d) 18th century

2. Which king signed the Magna Carta in 1215, limiting the powers of the monarchy and laying the foundation for parliamentary government?

a) Henry VIII
b) Richard III
c) John I
d) Edward III

3. What was the name of the English civil war that resulted in the execution of King Charles I and the establishment of a republic under Oliver Cromwell?

a) War of the Roses
b) 100 Years War
c) English Civil War
d) Glorious Revolution

4. The Glorious Revolution of 1688 resulted in the overthrow of which king and the establishment of a constitutional monarchy in England?

a) Charles II
b) James II
c) William III
d) George III

5. In 1707, the Acts of Union united England and which other country to form Great Britain?

a) Scotland
b) Ireland
c) Wales
d) France

6. Which political party emerged in the early 18th century to become the dominant force in English politics, advocating for parliamentary control over the monarchy?

a) Whigs
b) Tories
c) Labour
d) Democrats

7. When did the first parliament of Great Britain meet?

a) 1603
b) 1707
c) 1815
d) 1901

8. What was the name of the legislative body that emerged in the 19th century to represent the interests of the working class and challenge the dominance of the traditional parties?

a) Liberal Party
b) Conservative Party
c) Labour Party
d) Green Party

1. a) 12th century
2. c) John I
3. c) English Civil War
4. b) James II
5. a) Scotland
6. a) Whigs
7. b) 1707
8. c) Labour Party