Provide examples from case studies of regions that have successfully combated desertification and how they did this.

10 marks

1. China: The Loess Plateau in China was severely affected by desertification due to overgrazing and deforestation. However, the Chinese government implemented the "Grain for Green" program in 1999, which aimed to restore the degraded ecosystems by providing incentives for farmers to plant trees and grasses instead of crops. As a result, the program successfully restored more than 35,000 square kilometers of land and improved soil fertility and water retention in the region.

2. India: The Thar Desert in India faced desertification due to unsustainable land management practices and overexploitation of natural resources. To combat this, the government implemented the Rajasthan Desert Scheme, which focused on soil and water conservation, afforestation, and sustainable agriculture practices. The scheme successfully increased vegetation cover, improved soil quality, and reduced land degradation in the region.

3. Australia: The Great Green Wall initiative in Australia aimed to combat desertification in the country's arid and semi-arid regions by establishing a network of natural vegetation corridors to prevent soil erosion and land degradation. Through this initiative, significant progress has been made in restoring degraded land, increasing biodiversity, and improving ecosystem resilience in these regions.

4. Israel: The Negev Desert in Israel has been successfully combated desertification through the implementation of innovative water management strategies such as drip irrigation, desalination, and wastewater recycling. These practices have enabled sustainable agriculture to thrive in the region, leading to increased green cover and improved soil quality.

5. United States: The restoration of the Great Plains in the United States serves as a successful example of combating desertification through sustainable land management practices and conservation efforts. By implementing conservation programs, restoring native grasslands, and reducing overgrazing, significant progress has been made in reversing land degradation and improving ecosystem health in the region.