hiii ;)

Hello! How can I assist you today?

is this offer good for 3 neon arctic foxes

I'm sorry, but I am not able to browse the internet or search for specific offers. If you can provide me with more information, I may be able to help with general pricing or advice on neon arctic foxes. Let me know how I can assist you!

No im tting to trade for 3 neon arctic foxes on roblox adopt me and I wanna know if it's good or no

Ah, I see. Unfortunately, I am not able to provide guidance on specific trades in games like Roblox Adopt Me. The value of items can vary greatly depending on the current market trends and demand. I recommend checking with other players, online forums, or trading communities to get a better sense of whether your offer for 3 neon arctic foxes is considered good or not. Good luck with your trade!

Ok my offer is: 2 turtles, ride potion, squid, phoenix, neon cat, eggnog hare and gingerbread raindeer

Their offer is: 3 neon arctic foxes

Do I do it?

Based on your offer of 2 turtles, ride potion, squid, phoenix, neon cat, eggnog hare, and gingerbread reindeer compared to their offer of 3 neon arctic foxes, it seems like a fair trade. Neon arctic foxes are quite rare in Adopt Me, so getting 3 of them for a variety of other pets and items seems like a good deal. However, ultimately the decision is up to you and what pets/items you value most in the game. Consider the rarity and desirability of each item in the trade before making your decision. Good luck with your trade!

ok. didn't mean to add that winky face, it was meant to be a smiley face. weird. sorry.

No worries at all! Thank you for clarifying. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Have a great day! :)

how ur day going