A person raises a box with a weight of 50 net tons by 0.5 m how much work does the person do in this action?

To calculate the work done by the person, we can use the formula:

Work = Force x Distance

First, let's convert the weight of the box from net tons to kilograms. 1 net ton is equal to 907.185 kg.

Weight of the box = 50 net tons = 50 x 907.185 kg = 45359.25 kg

Next, we need to calculate the force exerted by the person to lift the box. The force is equal to the weight of the box, including the force needed to overcome gravity.

Force = Weight x Gravity

Acceleration due to gravity is approximately 9.81 m/s^2

Force = 45359.25 kg x 9.81 m/s^2 = 445033.93 N

Now, we calculate the work done by the person:

Work = Force x Distance
Work = 445033.93 N x 0.5 m
Work = 222516.965 Nm or Joules

Therefore, the person does approximately 222516.965 Joules of work in lifting the box by 0.5 m.