Why would a geographer decide to use a proportional symbol map over a DOT density map

A geographer may choose to use a proportional symbol map over a dot density map for several reasons:

1. Proportional symbol maps are useful when the data being represented can be effectively visualized using different sized symbols. This can make it easier for viewers to quickly grasp the overall pattern and distribution of the data.

2. Proportional symbol maps can more accurately represent the magnitude of the data being displayed, as larger symbols can visually represent larger values and smaller symbols represent smaller values.

3. Proportional symbol maps can be more aesthetically pleasing and easier to interpret for viewers, as they do not require counting individual dots or interpreting a dense cluster of dots.

4. Proportional symbol maps can more effectively communicate spatial patterns and variations in the data, as the size of the symbols can provide additional context and visual cues.

Overall, the decision to use a proportional symbol map over a dot density map may depend on the specific characteristics of the data being represented and the goals of the mapmaker in effectively communicating that information to the audience.