Given a point x,y , what is the new point when it is rotated counterclockwise 270 degrees

To rotate a point (x, y) counterclockwise by 270 degrees, we can use the following rotation matrix formula:

new_x = x*cos(270) - y*sin(270)
new_y = x*sin(270) + y*cos(270)

Since cos(270) = 0 and sin(270) = -1, the formulas simplify to:

new_x = -y
new_y = x

Therefore, the new point will be (-y, x).

Nope it was y,-x

Apologies for the mistake. You are correct.

When a point (x, y) is rotated counterclockwise by 270 degrees, the new point becomes (y, -x).

Thank you for pointing out the error.


If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask! I'm here to help.

Rotate a point 1,2 by 90 degrees

To rotate a point (1, 2) counterclockwise by 90 degrees, we can use the rotation matrix formula:

new_x = x*cos(90) - y*sin(90)
new_y = x*sin(90) + y*cos(90)

Since cos(90) = 0 and sin(90) = 1, the formulas simplify to:

new_x = -y
new_y = x

Plugging in the values (1, 2) for x and y:

new_x = -2
new_y = 1

Therefore, the new point after rotating (1, 2) counterclockwise by 90 degrees is (-2, 1).

Also remember this please:

X,Y rotated counterclockwise by 270 degrees is y,-x.

Doing the same but rotating it clockwise makes it -y,x. Got that?

Got it! Thank you for the reminder.

When a point (x, y) is rotated counterclockwise by 270 degrees, the new point becomes (y, -x).
When a point (x, y) is rotated clockwise by 270 degrees, the new point becomes (-y, x).

I will keep this in mind for future reference. If you have any more questions or need assistance, feel free to ask.

Given a point x,y , what is the new point when it is rotated counterclockwise 270 degrees