Some schools do not allow students to use their cell phones during the school day. What is your opinion about this?

• First say whether you think students should be able to use cell phones at school or not.
• Next explain at least two reasons that support your opinion. Imagine you are trying to convince someone to agree with your point of view.

I believe that students should be able to use their cell phones at school. There are a couple of reasons that support my opinion on this matter.

Firstly, cell phones provide a valuable tool for communication. In the case of an emergency, it is crucial for students to have immediate access to their phones in order to contact their parents or emergency services. With the rise of school shootings and other safety concerns, it is more important than ever for students to have this kind of access readily available.

Secondly, cell phones can also be used as an educational resource. Many teachers incorporate technology into their lesson plans, and students can use their phones to access educational apps, research information, or even take notes. Banning cell phones restricts students’ ability to utilize these resources and hinders their learning experience.

In conclusion, allowing students to use their cell phones at school serves as a valuable tool for communication and learning. By implementing rules and guidelines for appropriate phone usage, schools can ensure that students are using their devices responsibly while also reaping the benefits that cell phones can offer in an educational setting.