Find all the zeroes of the equation.

- 2x^4 - 64x^2 + 288 = 0

To find the zeroes of the equation, we first need to substitute y=x^2 into the equation, so we get:

- 2y^2 - 64y + 288 = 0.

Now, we factor the quadratic equation:

- 2(y^2 - 32y + 144) = 0
- 2(y - 16)(y - 9) = 0.

Setting each factor to zero gives:

y - 16 = 0 -> y = 16
y - 9 = 0 -> y = 9.

Now we substitute back y=x^2 into the equation:

x^2 = 16 -> x = ±4,
x^2 = 9 -> x = ±3.

Therefore, the zeroes of the equation -2x^4 - 64x^2 + 288 = 0 are x = ±4 or ±3.