Romeo and Juliet test

1. Who is Romeo in love with at the beginning of the play?

a) Juliet
b) Rosaline
c) Mercutio
d) Tybalt

2. Who is Juliet's cousin who is killed by Romeo?
a) Paris
b) Tybalt
c) Mercutio
d) Benvolio

3. Which family does Romeo belong to?
a) Capulet
b) Montague
c) Verona
d) Friar Lawrence

4. Who secretly marries Romeo and Juliet?
a) Friar Lawrence
b) Mercutio
c) Prince Escalus
d) Nurse

5. How do Romeo and Juliet communicate with each other?
a) Through letters
b) Through a secret balcony meeting
c) Through a messenger
d) Through a secret marriage

6. Who is responsible for Romeo and Juliet's tragic deaths?
a) Friar Lawrence
b) Tybalt
c) Lord Capulet
d) Mercutio

7. In the end, what happens to the feuding families?
a) They make peace and reconcile
b) They continue fighting
c) They are banished from Verona
d) They all die in a tragic ending

8. What is the name of Juliet's faithful nurse?
a) Lady Montague
b) Lady Capulet
c) Nurse
d) Lady Rosaline

9. Where do Romeo and Juliet first meet?
a) At a party at the Capulet's house
b) At a church
c) In the town square
d) In the streets of Verona

10. How does Romeo die?
a) Poison
b) Stabbed by Tybalt
c) Stabbed by himself
d) Killed by the plague

1. b) Rosaline
2. b) Tybalt
3. b) Montague
4. a) Friar Lawrence
5. b) Through a secret balcony meeting
6. a) Friar Lawrence
7. d) They all die in a tragic ending
8. c) Nurse
9. a) At a party at the Capulet's house
10. a) Poison