In △MNO , m∠M=78°, m∠N=34° , and m∠O=68° . In △RTS, m∠S=68°, m∠R=78° , and m∠T=34°. Describe the pairs of congruent corresponding angles in the two triangles.(1 point)


∠M≅∠S , ∠N≅∠T , ∠O≅∠R
angle upper M congruent to angle upper S , angle upper N congruent to angle upper T , angle upper O congruent to angle upper R

∠M≅∠R , ∠N≅∠S , ∠O≅∠T
angle upper M congruent to angle upper R , angle upper N congruent to angle upper S , angle upper O congruent to angle upper T

∠M≅∠R , ∠N≅∠T , ∠O≅∠S
angle upper M congruent to angle upper R , angle upper N congruent to angle upper T , angle upper O congruent to angle upper S

∠M≅∠T , ∠N≅∠R , ∠O≅∠S

angle upper M congruent to angle upper T , angle upper N congruent to angle upper R , angle upper O congruent to angle upper S

Which similarity statement describes the relationship between a triangle with angles m∠A=48°, m∠B=17°, and m∠C=115° and another triangle with angles m∠H=17°, m∠I=48°, and m∠J=115° ?(1 point)


triangle upper C upper A upper B tilde triangle upper J upper H upper I

triangle upper B upper A upper C tilde triangle upper H upper I upper J

triangle upper A upper B upper C tilde triangle upper H upper I upper J



triangle upper A upper B upper C tilde triangle upper H upper I upper J

Show the similarity between a triangle with angles A, B, and C, where m∠A=47° and m∠B=36°, and another triangle with angles G, H, and J, where m∠G=36° and m∠J=97°.(1 point)


triangle upper A upper B upper C similar to triangle upper G upper H upper J

triangle upper A upper B upper C similar to triangle upper H upper J upper G

triangle upper A upper B upper C similar to triangle upper H upper G upper J



triangle upper A upper B upper C similar to triangle upper G upper H upper J

△TUV is isosceles, with ∠T≅∠V and m∠U=54°. What is m∠T?(1 point)


m angle upper T equals 63 degrees

m angle upper T equals 36 degrees

m angle upper T equals 126 degrees



m angle upper T equals 63 degrees

△JRW has angle J measuring 47° and angle W measuring 15°. What is the measure of angle R?(1 point)


m angle upper R equals 28 degrees

m angle upper R equals 47 degrees

m angle upper R equals 62 degrees



m angle upper R equals 118 degrees