he city is putting a fountain at the entrance of the park. A scale drawing of the fountain is shown below.

1 in. : 4 ft

What is the area of the fountain in square feet?
A 4𝜋4 𝜋
B 16𝜋16 𝜋
C 64𝜋64 𝜋
D 128𝜋

Circle 2in
scale- 1 in. : 4ft

To find the area of the fountain in square feet, we first need to find the actual size of the fountain in feet. Since the scale is 1 in. : 4 ft, the actual diameter of the fountain is 2 in x 4 ft/in = 8 ft.

The area of a circle is given by the formula A = πr^2. In this case, the radius of the fountain is 8 ft / 2 = 4 ft. So, the area of the fountain is A = π(4)^2 = 16π square feet.

Therefore, the correct answer is B) 16π square feet.