The Velocity v of an object dropped from a tall building is given by the formula v=\/—64d, where d is the distance the object has dropped (in meters). If a falling object had an average velocity of 98 meters per second, use the formula to determine approximately what distance it was dropped. Round to the nearest whole number.

A)12 meters
B) 79 meters
C)2 meters
D)150 meters

First, we need to plug in the given average velocity of 98 meters per second into the formula and solve for d:

v = √(64d)
98 = √(64d)
98^2 = 64d
9604 = 64d
d = 9604/64
d = 150.06 meters

Rounded to the nearest whole number, the distance the object was dropped is approximately 150 meters.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

D) 150 meters