Some investments in the stock market have earned 15% annually. The total value of the investment, A, at this rate can be found using A=P(1.15)^n, where P is the initial value of the investment, and n is the number of years the money is invested, If $1,000 is invested in the stock market at this annual rate of return, what is the expected total value after 18 years?


To find the expected total value after 18 years, use the formula A=P(1.15)^n.

P = $1,000
n = 18

A = 1000(1.15)^18
A = 1000(7.063298)
A ≈ $7,063.30

Therefore, the expected total value after 18 years would be $7,063.30.

The closest answer choice is C) $7,063.30.