What conditions will you simulate?

How does each condition help a population survive?

What is the population shown in the video? What ecosystem are they a part of?
Explain what limiting resources are. What effects would these have on populations?

What would happen to a population if there are no limiting factors present? Why?

What is the difference between interspecific competition and intraspecific competition?

The Fishery Simulation
During the fishery simulation limiting factors such as food, predators, pollution, and disease will be manipulated in order to test what makes the tuna population increase, decrease, or stay constant.

Generate a question for your investigation:

What is the Independent Variable in this experiment?

Create a hypothesis for your investigation. Use the format below:


What is the Dependent Variable in this experiment?

Simulation Directions:
Follow the tutorial in the simulation to familiarize yourself with how the simulation works. Read each screen carefully and be sure you understand each part of the tutorial before moving to Stage 1 of the simulation.

Click here to access The Fishery Simulation

What are the control variables in this experiment?
Materials List:
Procedures (list steps)
Stage 1 Directions:
In this stage you will examine how birth rate, death rate, and migration rate affect the sustainability of the Avril Gulf tuna population.

Click on the “Show Normal Population Growth” box to see the graph of what happens to this population if reproduction, migration, and death rates are moderate

Collect Data

Explore what happens to the population as you change the three variables. Only change one variable at a time, other variables should be kept in the middle. Record observations of what happens to the sustainability of the population in the table below. Some have already been filled out for you

Observation of population at Low
Observation of population at Population at High
no change, remains at 20,000



slower growth but reaches 100,000

Use the simulation to determine what settings for the three variables maintain the population at 60,000 fish. Record the graph you see and the settings used below. Make sure you include the dotted line and dashed line. The dashed line represents normal population growth while the dotted line represents population growth at the settings you set.

Predict what settings would maintain the population at 80,000 fish. Write down your predictions below, and then use the simulation to test your prediction. If necessary, change the settings as you run the simulation. Record the graph you see and the settings used below

What are the 2 limiting factors present in this stage?

Stage Two Directions:
In this stage you will examine how predators, amount of food, and incidents of disease and pollution affect the sustainability of the Avril Gulf tuna population. Note that in Stage 2 you cannot control pollution or disease events, which will occur at random intervals
Collect Data

Explore what happens to the population as you change the two variables. Only change one variable at a time, other variables should be kept in the middle. Record observations of what happens below
What happens when the predators is lowered to none?

What happens when it is increased to many?

What happens when food is lowered to little?

What happens when it is increased to abundant?

Use the simulation to determine what settings for the three variables maintain the population at 60,000 fish. Record the graph you see and the settings used below. Make sure you include the dotted line and dashed line. The dashed line represents normal population growth while the dotted line represents population growth at the settings you set.

Predict what settings would maintain the population at 80,000 fish. Write down your predictions below, and then use the simulation to test your prediction. If necessary, change the settings as you run the simulation. Record the graph you see and the settings used below

What happened immediately when pollution occurred?How long did it take the population to recover after pollution occurred?

What happened immediately after disease occurred? How long did it take the population to recover after disease occurred?

Stage Three Directions:
In this stage you will examine how fishing intensity and length of fishing season affect the sustainability of the Avril Gulf tuna population.
Collect Data

Explore what happens to the population as you change the amount of fishing at different times of the year. Only change one variable at a time, other variables should be kept in the middle. Record observations of what happens below
What happens when there is heavy fishing at different times of year?

What happens when there is no fishing at different times of year?

B. Use the simulation to determine what settings for the three variables maintain the population at 60,000 fish. Record the graph you see and the settings used below. Make sure you include the dotted line and dashed line. The dashed line represents normal population growth while the dotted line represents population growth at the settings you set.

C. Predict what settings would maintain the population at 80,000 fish. Write down your predictions below, and then use the simulation to test your prediction. If necessary, change the settings as you run the simulation. Record the graph you see and the settings used below

Some fishing will occur, as humans interact with the environment. Find a pattern that will allow the tuna population to remain at a carrying capacity of 60,000. What fishing regulations would maintain this population size?

Stage Four Directions:
In this stage all of the variables can be manipulated to determine their collective
effect on the sustainability of the Avril Gulf tuna population.
Collect Data

Explore what happens to the population as you change the amount of fishing at different times of the year. Only change one variable at a time, other variables should be kept in the middle. Record observations of what happens below
What happens when:
food is abundant and there are no predators?
reproduction is low and death is high?
there is heavy fishing in spring and summer?

B. Use the simulation to determine what settings for the variables maintain the population at 60,000 fish. Record the graph you see and the settings used below. Make sure you include the dotted line and dashed line. The dashed line represents normal population growth while the dotted line represents population growth at the settings you set.

C. Use the simulation to determine what settings for the variables maintain the population at 60,000 fish. This time, incorporate the maximum amount of fishing possible. Record the graph you see and the settings used below. Make sure you include the dotted line and dashed line. The dashed line represents normal population growth while the dotted line represents population growth at the settings you set.

What factors allowed for the maximum amount of fishing while maintaining the fish population? Record the greatest amount of fishing allowable.

Which factors are density-dependent and which are density-independent?

How could a model, such as this simulation, help fisheries biologists make recommendations about setting fishing limits to ensure the survival of a population and cause minimal negative impacts to the ecosystem? Explain your answer. (3-5 sentences)
Summarize your lab report by answering the following questions.
5. Conclusion: written explanation of what you learned. This should be one paragraph explaining what you learned about populations and ecosystems (5-6 sentences, 250 words). Be sure to include ALL required vocab words from the list above and underline them.

Information to include:
Did your data support or refute your hypothesis?
What would you do to improve the experiment in the future?
What did you learn about this topic?

In this lab, we simulated different conditions affecting the sustainability of the Avril Gulf tuna population in order to understand how populations interact with their environment. We explored the effects of limiting factors such as food, predators, pollution, disease, and fishing intensity on the population. The population shown in the video is the Avril Gulf tuna population, which is part of the marine ecosystem. Limiting resources are resources that are scarce in relation to the population's needs, such as food or habitat. These can have negative effects on populations by causing competition, decreased reproduction, and increased mortality rates.

If there are no limiting factors present, a population would likely experience exponential growth until it reaches the carrying capacity of its environment. Interspecific competition refers to competition between different species for resources, while intraspecific competition refers to competition within the same species for resources.

Through the simulation, we learned that a balance of birth rate, death rate, migration rate, predator abundance, food availability, pollution, disease incidents, and fishing intensity is essential for maintaining a stable tuna population. By manipulating these variables, we were able to see how each factor impacts the population and how they are interconnected. This simulation can help fisheries biologists make recommendations for setting fishing limits to ensure the survival of populations and minimize negative impacts on the ecosystem.

In conclusion, I learned that populations are complex systems that are influenced by a variety of factors in their environment. The interactions between populations and their surroundings are crucial for understanding how ecosystems function. This simulation helped me grasp the importance of sustainable management practices in maintaining healthy populations and ecosystems. I would improve the experiment in the future by incorporating more variables and exploring the effects of different combinations of factors on population dynamics.