Multiple Choice Question

Read the paragraph from the text.
However, not everyone is in favor of setting the clock forward in the spring and back in the fall. It can be disruptive to farmers whose work hours are sunup to sundown. It can also disturb people's sleep patterns, especially seniors and children. Time changes have been known to cause havoc for billing, record keeping, and travel arranging. Some people say it simply perturbs them to have to remember when to change the clocks. Plus, the American Journal of Cardiology reports that the disruption of setting clocks forward in the spring increases one's risk for experiencing a myocardial infarction, or heart attack, in the days following the switch.
In this paragraph, how does the use of the words "disruptive," "disturb," "havoc," and "perturbs" impact the tone?

The author portrays Daylight Saving Time in a negative light using these words.

The words reveal how angry the author is over the use of Daylight Saving Time.

The author portrays a quarrelsome tone towards Daylight Saving Time by using these inflammatory words.

By using these insulting words, the author reveals a judgmental attitude toward Daylight Saving Time.

A. The author portrays Daylight Saving Time in a negative light using these words.