1.1 Mention any two main economic sectors she calculating GDP (P)

1.2 How does government use procurement to distribute wealth?
1.2.5 How are households & businesses affected by a hike in petrol & diesel prices?
1.2.2 Why do countries trade?
2.2.3 Briefly describe the term minimum wage
2.2.4 what is the aim of the expanded public programme?
2.2.5 Briefly discuss the impact of minimum wages on domestic and farm workers
3.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of the government in delivery socio-economic services in South Africa
4.1.1 How can the the infrastructure be improved in order to mitigate the economic impact of disaster

1.1 The two main economic sectors used in calculating GDP are the agricultural sector and the industrial sector.

1.2 The government uses procurement to distribute wealth by awarding contracts for goods and services to businesses, which in turn creates jobs, generates income, and stimulates economic growth.
1.2.5 Households and businesses are affected by a hike in petrol and diesel prices as transportation costs increase, leading to higher prices for goods and services, reduced consumer spending, and decreased profitability for businesses.
1.2.2 Countries trade in order to exchange goods and services, access resources that may not be available domestically, and promote economic growth and development.
2.2.3 Minimum wage is the lowest wage that employers can legally pay their employees for the work performed.
2.2.4 The aim of the expanded public programme is to provide support and assistance to vulnerable and marginalized groups in society.
2.2.5 Minimum wages can have a positive impact on domestic and farm workers by improving their standard of living and reducing inequality, but it can also lead to job losses and reduced working hours for some workers.
3.2 The effectiveness of the government in delivering socio-economic services in South Africa varies, with some successes in areas such as healthcare and education, but challenges remain in areas such as poverty alleviation and job creation.
4.1.1 The infrastructure can be improved in order to mitigate the economic impact of disasters by investing in resilient and sustainable infrastructure, implementing proper disaster preparedness and response plans, and creating a robust recovery and rebuilding process.