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(A) The sum of four consecutive integers is 178. What are the largest integers?

(B) The third of which number must be subtracted from 7/ 11 to give 24/55

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(p) 23

(q) 1

(C) Two-thirds of 9 subtracted from a number is equal to one fourth of the sum of the number and 45. Find the number

(r) 46

(D) If 1/3 is added to a number and the sum is multiplied by 2. the answer is 8/3 . What is the number?

(s) 3/5

(A) The sum of four consecutive integers is 178. Let the integers be x, x+1, x+2, x+3.

So, x + (x+1) + (x+2) + (x+3) = 178
4x + 6 = 178
4x = 172
x = 43
So, the largest integers are 43, 44, 45, 46.

(B) Let the number be x.
7/11 - x/3 = 24/55
Multiplying by 165 (LCD) on both sides, we get:
75 - 55x = 72
-55x = -3
x = 3/55
So, the third of the number must be subtracted from 7/11 to give 24/55.

(C) Let the number be x.
2/3(9) = 1/4(x + 45)
6 = 1/4(x + 45)
24 = x + 45
x = -21
So, the number is -21.

(D) Let the number be x.
2(x + 1/3) = 8/3
2x + 2/3 = 8/3
2x = 8/3 - 2/3
2x = 6/3
x = 3/2
So, the number is 3/2.