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The environment played a significant role in shaping the cultures of the Northwest and Southwest regions of the United States. In the Northwest, the abundance of natural resources like fish and timber influenced the development of fishing, hunting, and woodworking skills among the local tribes. The environment of the Southwest, on the other hand, was predominantly arid, so the indigenous people developed farming techniques that were compatible with the hot and dry climate. Additionally, the availability of certain resources such as clay and stones influenced the development of pottery and stoneworking skills in Southwest cultures. Overall, the environment of these regions influenced the lifestyles and traditions of their respective cultures.

The environment shaped Northwest and Southwest US cultures. Abundance of natural resources in the Northwest led to development of fishing, hunting, and woodworking. Arid environment in Southwest led to farming techniques suited for hot climate. Resources like clay and stones influenced pottery and stoneworking skills. Environment influenced lifestyles and traditions in both regions.