Plan the experiment to find out if the liquid is water or not for a highschooler.

Here is a simple experiment plan for a high school student to determine if a liquid is water or not:

Materials needed:
1. Unknown liquid sample
2. Distilled water
3. Measuring cup or beaker
4. Dropper or pipette
5. Test tubes or small containers
6. Thermometer
7. Heat source (such as a Bunsen burner or hot plate)
8. Safety goggles
9. pH strips or indicator solution (optional)

1. Start by setting up a control sample of distilled water in a test tube or container.
2. Take a small sample of the unknown liquid using a dropper or pipette and place it in a separate test tube or container.
3. Label each sample so you can keep track of which is which.
4. Measure the temperature of both the unknown liquid and the distilled water using a thermometer.
5. Place both test tubes or containers in a hot water bath (using a Bunsen burner or hot plate) and monitor the temperature changes.
6. Note any differences in the boiling point or melting point of the unknown liquid compared to the distilled water.
7. If you have access to pH strips or indicator solution, you can also test the pH of both samples to see if there are any differences.
8. Based on your observations, make a conclusion about whether the unknown liquid is water or not.

Safety precautions:
- Always wear safety goggles when working with chemicals or heat sources.
- Handle all liquids with care and avoid direct contact with skin or eyes.
- Dispose of any leftover materials properly according to your school's guidelines.

Good luck with your experiment!