What is the definition of these words?

1. Caravel

2. Circumnavigate

3. Columbian Exchange

4. Mercantilism

5. Conquistador

6. Capitalism

7. Joint-Stock Company

8. Northwest Passage

9. Encomienda

10. Hacienda

11. Indentured Servant

12. Mestizo

13. Viceroy

14. Viceroyalties

1. Caravel: a small, fast sailing ship developed by the Portuguese in the 15th century, commonly used for long-distance maritime exploration.

2. Circumnavigate: to sail or travel all the way around something, especially the globe.

3. Columbian Exchange: the widespread transfer of plants, animals, culture, human populations, technology, and ideas between the Americas, Europe, Africa, and Asia following the voyages of Christopher Columbus.

4. Mercantilism: an economic policy that aims to increase a nation's wealth by controlling trade and accumulating precious metals, usually through the establishment of colonies.

5. Conquistador: a Spanish conqueror or adventurer in the Americas during the Age of Exploration.

6. Capitalism: an economic system characterized by private ownership of the means of production, market competition, and profit motive.

7. Joint-Stock Company: a business entity in which shares of the company's stock can be bought and sold by shareholders.

8. Northwest Passage: a hypothetical sea route through the Arctic that connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, sought by European explorers for centuries.

9. Encomienda: a legal system granted by the Spanish crown to settlers in the Americas, giving them the right to demand tribute and labor from the indigenous inhabitants.

10. Hacienda: a large estate or plantation in Spanish-speaking countries, typically used for farming or ranching.

11. Indentured Servant: a person who agrees to work for a specified period of time in exchange for passage to a new colony or other benefits.

12. Mestizo: a person of mixed European and indigenous American descent.

13. Viceroy: a royal official who governed a colony or province on behalf of a monarch in the Spanish and Portuguese empires.

14. Viceroyalties: administrative divisions within the Spanish and Portuguese empires, overseen by viceroys.