The moment I took my first victorious, unassisted steps, I was met with resounding applause that nearly toppled me to the floor. Beaming faces and outstretched arms coaxed me, but I preferred to seize and investigate the flavor of a toy instead. Next, I attempted to inspect the attachment on the backside of an elusive, furry, pointy-eared little creature until my brother bellowed, "NO!" I didn't understand my offense, since the creature always let others inspect it. Finally, I reached the enchanted doorway where people walked downward until they disappeared, but alas, a metal gate blocked my passage. One day I will conquer this vexing obstacle and venture into the abyss, lifting the shroud of mystery once and for all.

What creates the distance between the author and the narrator in this story?

A. The author highlights the narrator's air of superiority over everyone, seeking to lower the narrator's credibility with readers.
B.The author suggests that the narrator lives in a fantasy world, and therefore nothing in the story is to be taken seriously.
C. The author reveals that the narrator does not fully comprehend the reality of things, due to a juvenile perspective of the world.

C. The author reveals that the narrator does not fully comprehend the reality of things, due to a juvenile perspective of the world.