How can the main idea of a text help a reader identify the theme?(1 point) Responses By inferring the main idea of a text, a reader will understand what will happen next in the text. By inferring the main idea of a text, a reader will understand what will happen next in the text. By connecting the main events of the story, a reader can conclude what lesson the author is implying about those events. By connecting the main events of the story, a reader can conclude what lesson the author is implying about those events. By identifying the main idea of a text, a reader will find the explicit statement that is the theme. By identifying the main idea of a text, a reader will find the explicit statement that is the theme. By determining the main events, a reader can understand what those characters are thinking. By determining the main events, a reader can understand what those characters are thinking.

By connecting the main events of the story, a reader can conclude what lesson the author is implying about those events. The main idea of a text often revolves around key events or ideas that drive the story forward. By understanding these main events and how they contribute to the overall narrative, a reader can identify the underlying theme or message that the author is trying to convey.Themes are typically overarching ideas or messages that are explored throughout the text, and by analyzing the main idea, readers can better understand and identify the theme of the text.

Use the paragraph to answer the question. Marcus was always boasting about his ability to play the piano. “I’m the best there is!” he’d insist. However, when his music teacher finally insisted that Marcus take a seat on the piano bench and show off his abilities, the truth was revealed. Marcus had no idea how to play the piano! The experience was so embarrassing that Marcus decided to start taking lessons. In time, he actually became as good as he’d told everyone he was. However, no one believed him. Which statement describes the theme of this paragraph? (1 point) Responses A boy does not know how to play the piano. A boy does not know how to play the piano. Learning new things can be difficult. Learning new things can be difficult. People are not likely to trust someone who lies. People are not likely to trust someone who lies. Hard work always pays great rewards.

Learning new things can be difficult.