Why is it false that an actor can only portray a character only when they've experienced their characters traits

It is false to believe that an actor can only portray a character if they have experienced the character's traits themselves because actors are trained professionals who are skilled in the art of acting. They have the ability to research, study, and empathize with different characters in order to accurately portray them on screen or on stage.

Actors often use a combination of research, imagination, and observation to create a believable and authentic performance. They may draw upon their own personal experiences and emotions to bring depth and complexity to a character, but they are not limited by their own life experiences.

Furthermore, actors often take on roles that are vastly different from their own personalities and experiences. For example, an actor may play a villainous character, even if they are kind and compassionate in real life. This ability to step into different roles and inhabit a variety of characters is a key aspect of the craft of acting.

Ultimately, the success of an actor's performance lies in their talent, dedication, and ability to convincingly bring a character to life, rather than in their personal experiences with the character's traits.