grapples with his moral ambiguity and inner conflict over his relationships with the other characters in the novel.

He struggles with the realization that he has hurt those closest to him in pursuit of his own desires and goals. He is torn between his loyalty to his friends and his own selfish desires.

Throughout the novel, he reflects on his actions and their consequences, questioning his own motivations and choices. He grapples with the guilt and shame of betraying those who have shown him kindness and loyalty.

As he navigates this moral ambiguity, he begins to see the impact of his actions on others and the pain he has caused. This realization leads him to confront his inner conflict and make difficult choices to seek redemption and repair the damage he has done.

Ultimately, he learns the importance of honesty, integrity, and empathy in his relationships with others, and strives to become a better person despite his past mistakes. Through this journey of self-discovery and growth, he finds peace and resolution in his moral conflict and emerges as a stronger and more compassionate individual.