identify 4 causes that led to the mexican american war

1. Annexation of Texas: The annexation of Texas by the United States in 1845, despite Mexican objections, led to tensions between the two countries. Mexico claimed that Texas was still part of its territory and this dispute was a major factor in the outbreak of the war.

2. Border disputes: There were disagreements over the border between Mexico and the newly annexed state of Texas, with both countries claiming ownership of certain territories. This led to skirmishes and conflicts along the border, escalating tensions between Mexico and the United States.

3. Manifest Destiny: The idea of Manifest Destiny, which promoted the belief that it was the United States' right and duty to expand westward to the Pacific Ocean, fueled American expansionism and played a role in the decision to go to war with Mexico in order to acquire more territory.

4. Polk's expansionist policies: President James K. Polk's expansionist policies and desire to acquire more land for the United States played a significant role in the outbreak of the Mexican-American War. His administration's aggressive tactics, such as sending troops into disputed territory and provoking conflict with Mexico, contributed to the escalation of hostilities between the two nations.