The Forgotten Ear of Corn

An Arikara woman was once gathering corn from the field to store away for winter use. She passed from stalk to stalk, tearing off the ears and dropping them into her folded robe. When all was gathered she started to go, when she heard a faint voice, like a child's, weeping and calling:

"Oh, do not leave me! Do not go away without me."

The woman was astonished. "What child can that be?" she asked herself. "What babe can be lost in the cornfield?"

She set down her robe in which she had tied up her corn, and went back to search; but she found nothing.

As she started away she heard the voice again:

"Oh, do not leave me. Do not go away without me."

She searched for a long time. At last in one corner of the field, hidden under the leaves of the stalks, she found one little ear of corn. This it was that had been crying, and this is why all Indian women have since garnered their corn crop very carefully, so that the succulent food product should not even to the last small nubbin be neglected or wasted, and thus displease the Great Mystery.

Why was it important that the woman in the story find the corn?

In Native American cultures, corn is often seen as a sacred and important food source that is believed to have been given to them by the Great Mystery or Great Spirit. The story teaches the importance of respecting and caring for the corn crop, as it is not only a source of sustenance but also a gift from the divine. By finding and saving the forgotten ear of corn, the woman shows respect for the gift and ensures that none of it goes to waste, thereby honoring the Great Mystery. This story is a reminder to always be mindful and grateful for the resources that are provided to us.