A student is ordering a flower arrangement. She can choose any combination of roses and carnations for her flower arrangement, and she does not want to spend more than $30.

If roses cost $3 each and carnations cost $2 each, which inequality represents all possible combinations of x roses and y carnations?

A student is ordering a flower arrangement. She can choose any combination of roses and carnations for her flower arrangement, and she does not want to spend more than $30.

If roses cost $3 each and carnations cost $2 each, which inequality represents all possible combinations of x roses and y carnations?

2x + 3y ≤ 30

3x + 2y ≤ 30

2x + 3y > 30

3x + 2y < 30

The correct inequality is:

3x + 2y ≤ 30

This represents all possible combinations of x roses and y carnations that would cost no more than $30.