A builder wants to make a room soundproof in a new home. The builder should use materials that _____.

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During a baseball game, the sound of the bat hitting the ball can be heard in most parts of the stadium. That sound is weaker at greater distances. What is the cause of this phenomenon?

The cause of this phenomenon is the attenuation of sound as it propagates through the air. Sound waves lose energy as they travel over greater distances, resulting in a decrease in their amplitude and intensity.

Which type of wave can travel through a vacuum?

Electromagnetic waves

AM waves have a wavelength of approximately 100 meters. FM waves have a wavelength of approximately 1 meter. Which one has a higher frequency? Which one has higher energy?

AM waves have a higher frequency than FM waves since frequency is inversely proportional to wavelength. Higher frequency corresponds to higher energy, so in this case, AM waves have higher energy than FM waves.

Why would a person feel cooler wearing a white shirt rather than a black shirt on a sunny day?