The Response area was a movement to drive Muslims from Response area. It resulted in the creation of a mostly Christian kingdom there, as well as the establishment of the new Christian kingdom of Response area .

This movement was driven by the desire to establish a Christian presence in the Response area and drive out the Muslim population that had previously inhabited the region. The creation of the new Christian kingdom in Response area demonstrated the power and influence of the Christian community in the region and solidified their control over the area.

The establishment of this new Christian kingdom also led to conflicts and tensions with the Muslim population, as they were forced to leave their homes and lands in the Response area. This displacement of the Muslim population further deepened the divide between the two religious groups and fueled ongoing conflicts in the region.

Overall, the Response area movement had significant repercussions for the religious and political landscape of the region, highlighting the tensions between different religious groups and the struggles for power and control in Response area.