A rectangular pool is 24 feet in length and 36 feet in width. A scale drawing of the pool has a length of 8 inches. What is the perimeter, in inches, of the pool in the scale drawing?

A 40 inches40 inches
B 20 inches20 inches
C 120 inches120 inches
D 68 inches

Let's find the scale factor first.

Actual length of pool = 24 feet = 24 * 12 inches = 288 inches
Scale length = 8 inches

Scale factor = 288/8 = 36

Now, let's find the dimensions of the pool in the scale drawing.
Length in the scale drawing = 24/36 * 8 = 5.33 inches (approximately 5.33 inches)
Width in the scale drawing = 36/36 * 8 = 8 inches

Now, let's find the perimeter in the scale drawing.
Perimeter = 2(5.33 + 8) = 2(13.33) = 26.66 inches

So, the perimeter in the scale drawing is closest to 26.66 inches, or approximately 27 inches.

Therefore, the correct answer is not listed in the given options.

whats the right answer

I apologize for the confusion in my previous response. Let's correct that mistake.

The scale factor from the actual pool length to the scale drawing length is 288 inches / 8 inches = 36.

The scale length of the pool in the drawing is 24 feet / 36 = 0.67 feet = 8 inches.

The scale width of the pool in the drawing is 36 feet / 36 = 1 feet = 12 inches.

Therefore, the perimeter of the pool in the scale drawing is 2(8 + 12) = 2(20) = 40 inches.

Thus, the correct answer is A) 40 inches.