What issue within the Missouri Compromise slowed Arkansas’s process of achieving statehood? (1 point) Responses the need for a balance of free states and slave states the need for a balance of free states and slave states relocating Native Americans relocating Native Americans improving the economy improving the economy not a large enough population

The issue within the Missouri Compromise that slowed Arkansas's process of achieving statehood was the need for a balance of free states and slave states. Arkansas wanted to enter the Union as a slave state, but this would upset the balance between free and slave states established by the Missouri Compromise. This issue delayed Arkansas's admission to the Union until a compromise was reached with the admission of Michigan as a free state.

What type of people moved to Arkansas as a result of the Louisiana Purchase survey? (1 point) Responses Native Americans Native Americans slaves slaves veterans veterans planters

The type of people who moved to Arkansas as a result of the Louisiana Purchase survey were planters. The survey of the newly acquired territory provided valuable information about the land, leading planters to move to Arkansas in search of fertile soil for agriculture and plantation economy.

Use the map to answer the question. To what part of Arkansas did the Cherokee agree to move as part of their treaty with the U.S. government in 1817? (1 point) Responses A - northwest A - northwest B - west B - west C - south C - south D - northeast

I'm unable to view the map you are referring to. However, based on historical knowledge, the Cherokee agreed to move to the northwest part of Arkansas as part of their treaty with the U.S. government in 1817.