Which line show the correct distribution for the problem below? (2x−5)(4x+7) (1 point) Responses 2x⋅4x+(−5)⋅7 2 x times 4 x plus negative 5 times 7 2x⋅(−5)+4x⋅7 2 x times negative 5 plus 4 x times 7 2x⋅4x+2x⋅7+(−5)⋅4x+(−5)⋅7 2 x times 4 x plus 2 x times 7 plus negative 5 times 4 x plus negative 5 times 7 2x⋅4x+2x⋅7+5⋅4x+5⋅7 2 x times 4 x plus 2 x times 7 plus 5 times 4 x plus 5 times 7


2 x times 4 x plus negative 5 times 7