Triangle ABC and triangle DEF are similar. Find the value of x and y

First triangle is 21 and 12 the second triangle is 6 and 4

To find the values of x and y, we need to set up a proportion between the corresponding sides of the two triangles.

Let x be the length of side AB and side DE, and y be the length of side AC and side DF.

From the given information:

x / 21 = y / 6 (corresponding sides of triangles ABC and DEF)
x / 12 = y / 4 (corresponding sides of triangles ABC and DEF)

Now we can cross multiply to solve for x and y:

21y = 6x
12y = 4x

Solving the system of equations, we get:

y = 2x
21(2x) = 6x
42x = 6x
36x = 0
x = 0

So x = 0 and y = 0. As a result, the value of x and y in the given scenario is 0.