What parts of the body is the appendicular skeleton?

The appendicular skeleton consists of the bones and associated structures that make up the upper and lower limbs, including the shoulders and hips. This includes:

- Clavicle (collarbone)
- Scapula (shoulder blade)
- Humerus (upper arm bone)
- Radius and ulna (forearm bones)
- Carpals (wrist bones)
- Metacarpals (hand bones)
- Phalanges (finger bones)
- Pelvis (hip bones)
- Femur (thigh bone)
- Patella (kneecap)
- Tibia and fibula (lower leg bones)
- Tarsals (ankle bones)
- Metatarsals (foot bones)
- Phalanges (toe bones)

These bones work together to provide structure, support, and movement for the upper and lower limbs.