The breeding of animals is necessary to produce (4)______. Humans have bred animals and plants for

years through the process of (5)______ in order to
hand-select traits needed in the livestock or produce.
In nature, it is not quite so simple. Charles Darwin was a naturalist that proposed the idea of (6) ______.
When Visiting the Galapagos islands, he discovered there was great (7)______ between the tortoises on different islands. The different tortoises had specific (8)________ to survive on the islands that
they were found on.
*word bank*
Artificial selection
Natural selection

The breeding of animals is necessary to produce **offspring**. Humans have bred animals and plants for years through the process of **artificial selection** in order to hand-select traits needed in the livestock or produce. In nature, it is not quite so simple. Charles Darwin was a naturalist that proposed the idea of **natural selection**. When visiting the Galapagos islands, he discovered there was great **diversity** between the tortoises on different islands. The different tortoises had specific **adaptations** to survive on the islands that they were found on.