Explain why countries such as France

and Japan rely heavily on nuclear power.

Countries such as France and Japan rely heavily on nuclear power for a few reasons:

1. Energy security: Nuclear power provides a stable and reliable source of energy that can help reduce dependence on imported fossil fuels. This is especially important for countries like Japan, which have limited domestic sources of energy.

2. Low carbon emissions: Nuclear power is a low-carbon energy source that does not produce greenhouse gas emissions like fossil fuel power plants. This can help countries like France meet their climate change goals and reduce their overall environmental impact.

3. Energy independence: By investing in nuclear power, countries can reduce their dependence on volatile international energy markets and ensure a steady supply of electricity for their citizens.

4. Technological expertise: Both France and Japan have a strong history of nuclear technology development and expertise, making it easier for them to maintain and operate nuclear power plants safely and efficiently.

Overall, nuclear power offers these countries a reliable, low-carbon source of energy that helps meet their energy needs, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and strengthen their energy security and independence.