Explain the difference between odd degree function and odd functions.

An odd degree function refers to a function whose degree is an odd number, meaning that the highest power of the variable in the function is an odd number. For example, the function f(x) = x^3 is an odd degree function because the highest power of x is 3, which is an odd number.

On the other hand, odd functions are a specific type of functions that satisfy the property f(-x) = -f(x) for all x in the domain of the function. This means that if you plug in the negative of a number into an odd function, you will get the negative of the output you would get if you plugged in the positive of that number. For example, the function f(x) = x^3 is an odd function because f(-x) = -x^3. Odd functions are symmetric about the origin, meaning they have rotational symmetry of 180 degrees about the origin.

In summary, an odd degree function refers to a function with an odd degree, while an odd function specifically refers to functions that satisfy the property f(-x) = -f(x).