Kendra rides a bicycle on a path that is 54 miles. Her average speed is 9 miles per hour. To find about how long the trip takes, solve the distance formula d = rt for t. Then substitute to find the time the trip takes.

5 hours

7 hours

6 hours

9 hours

To find the time it takes for Kendra to ride 54 miles at an average speed of 9 miles per hour, we can use the formula d = rt, where d is the distance, r is the rate (speed), and t is the time.

d = 54 miles
r = 9 miles per hour

We want to solve for t, so we rearrange the formula as follows:
t = d / r
t = 54 miles / 9 miles per hour
t = 6 hours

Therefore, the trip takes 6 hours. So the correct answer is 6 hours.