Use the playbills depicting popular artists during an era in US history to answer the question.

What contributed to the emergence of these artists and their influence in US society?

the diffusion of Black culture during the Great Migration

the growing popularity of television in the post-WWII era

the population shift from the Rust Belt to the Sun Belt

the expansion of European immigration during the Gilded Age

A. the diffusion of Black culture during the Great Migration

Playbills depicting popular Black artists during the Great Migration era, such as Duke Ellington and Billie Holiday, demonstrate the significant impact of the diffusion of Black culture in the US. The Great Migration brought thousands of African Americans from the South to urban centers in the North, leading to the spread of jazz, blues, and other forms of Black music and art. These artists were able to rise to prominence and have a lasting influence on American society due to the cultural exchange that occurred during this time.