In what ways could the "critic" strife the work the "man in the arena"?

1. Criticizing the man's choices and actions: The critic may question or doubt the decisions made by the man in the arena, pointing out flaws or mistakes in his actions.

2. Discrediting the man's efforts: The critic may devalue or diminish the man's hard work and dedication, suggesting that his efforts are not enough or not effective.

3. Undermining the man's courage and determination: The critic may challenge the man's bravery and resilience, suggesting that he lacks the necessary qualities to succeed in his endeavors.

4. Highlighting the man's failures and shortcomings: The critic may focus on the man's mistakes and failures, exaggerating or magnifying them to reflect poorly on his character.

5. Questioning the man's integrity and motives: The critic may cast doubt on the man's intentions and integrity, insinuating that he is acting out of selfishness or ulterior motives.

6. Comparing the man to others: The critic may compare the man in the arena to others who have succeeded or excelled in similar situations, creating a sense of inadequacy or inferiority.

Overall, the critic may try to undermine the man's confidence, credibility, and reputation, making it more difficult for him to continue his efforts and achieve his goals.