Use the image of the rose plant to complete the activity. An illustration shows a rose flower with its stem. Describe two adaptations you see on the rose plant, and explain how they are adaptations for defense, survival, or reproduction. Use three to five sentences to explain this. (4 points) BoldItalicUnderlineBullet listNumbered list Short Answer Rubric (4 points) Points Awarded Criteria 4 The answer is very clear. answer as if a 7th grader please and thank you

The rose plant has thorns on its stem, which are adaptations for defense. These thorns help protect the plant from being eaten by animals that might try to feed on it. The rose flower also has bright, colorful petals, which are adaptations for reproduction. The petals attract pollinators like bees and butterflies, helping the plant reproduce by transferring pollen from one flower to another.