Short Speech about

Sport people salaries are justified by viewing figures

Hello everyone,

I want to start by addressing a common debate surrounding the salaries of sportspeople. Some argue that the high salaries that athletes receive are not justified, but I believe that these salaries are justified by the viewing figures that sports attract.

Sports, especially popular ones like football, basketball, and soccer, have massive global followings. Millions of people tune in to watch their favorite teams and players compete, which in turn generates huge revenues for sports organizations. The athletes are the ones who draw in these audiences, and they deserve to be compensated for their hard work and talent.

Moreover, sportspeople dedicate their lives to their craft, training for hours on end to achieve peak performance. Their careers are often short-lived due to the physical demands of their sport, making it crucial for them to earn enough money to support themselves in the long term.

Ultimately, the salaries of sportspeople are determined by the market, with athletes negotiating contracts based on their value to the team and the organization. If the viewership numbers continue to soar, it is only fair that these highly skilled and dedicated individuals are rewarded for their contribution to the sports industry.

In conclusion, the salaries of sportspeople are justified by the massive viewing figures that they attract. As long as people continue to show their support for sports through television, ticket sales, and merchandise, athletes should be rewarded for their role in entertaining and inspiring millions around the world.

Thank you.