A rock is dropped off a cliff that is 10 meters high into a lake below. (Assume there is no air resistance.) The formula for the height of an object dropped is h (t) = at² + s, where the gravitational constant, a, is -9.8 meters per second squared, s is the initial height, and h (t) is the height in meters modeled as a function of time, t

Which of the following statements are true about the situation and its graph?

Select all that apply.

(4 points)

Point A is the coordinate (0,10).

Point B is the coordinate (10,0).

Point A represents the initial height of the rock.

Point B represents the initial height of the rock.

The equation for the situation is h (t) = 4.9t² + 10.

The equation for the situation is h (t)=4.9t² 10.

The rock hits the surface of the water after 1 seconds.

The rock hits the surface of the water after 1 seconds

Point A is the coordinate (0,10). (True)

Point B is the coordinate (10,0). (True)

Point A represents the initial height of the rock. (True)

Point B represents the initial height of the rock. (False)

The equation for the situation is h (t) = 4.9t² + 10. (False)

The equation for the situation is h (t) = -4.9t² + 10. (True)

The rock hits the surface of the water after 1 second. (False)